REACHOUT will be represented at the biennial conference of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) in Boston, USA from 7-11 July 2017.  This meeting focuses on a broad range of research and methodologies in health economics from around the world, with health systems at the fore.

In a panel discussion on 'Economic evaluation of complex service delivery interventions in low- and middle-income countries', Meghan Kumar will be presenting early PhD research on methods, challenges, and findings from REACHOUT related to the costs of quality improvement for community health.  Following this, Jason Madan will be presenting musings on applied approaches to cost-effectiveness looking at the REACHOUT case study and building on sessions in April 2016 and March 2017 with the REACHOUT country teams.

Stay tuned for a blog on the meeting and how it is shaping REACHOUT’s participation in the Economics of close-to-community providers network.

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